Advice to My Past Self

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself earlier to reach out of my comfort zone. I have always been in the same town, with the same friends, doing the same things. However, when I came to college, I knew that it was time for a change. When I decided to come to South, all summer I was so nervous and thought I had gotten too ambitious with my college decision, I thought there was no way that I could move across the country from everything that I had known before. I was so wrong! When I stepped foot on campus, I did not know a single person, not even my roommate. My sister had convinced me to go through sorority recruitment, I thought she was crazy when she said I would find my forever friends. It is not like me at all to put myself out there and talk to so many new people for a week straight. Now, as I look back at myself in August, I can not believe that I was ever so nervous to take that leap of faith, and I was I had done it earlier. Coming to college, I have met so many new people, experienced a brand new culture and done things I did not think I was capable of. Overall, reaching out of your comfort zone will help you to become the best version of yourself possible, and you will achieve things you never thought were possible.
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